Dates: 26-30 June 2023
Hosted by: Aix-Marseille University (Aix-en-Provence, France)
Registration fee: €200
Financial support: Limited amount of grants might be provided by IAEA to the citizens of the countries included by the IAEA Department of Technical Cooperation

The ITER International School (ISS) responds to the need for training in this critical energy context, where fusion research is a cornerstone for the success of a large-scale project and international impact. The IIS has naturally become a global reference in the ITER project. The ITER International School aims to prepare young scientists and engineers for working in the field of nuclear fusion and in research applications associated with the ITER Project. The adoption of a “school format” was a consequence of the need to prepare future scientists and engineers on a range of different subjects and to provide them with a wide overview of the interdisciplinary skills required by the ITER project.

The subject of the 2023 school is “The Impact and Consequences of Energetic Particles on Fusion Plasmas,” with a scientific program coordinated by Simon Pinches (ITER Organization). As the start of ITER operations approaches, it is timely to address this multidisciplinary topic that includes plasma self-heating by fusion-born alpha-particles, the influence of energetic particles on stability, diagnosing energetic particle transport and loss, and understanding runaway electrons.