On Day 3 of the largest Magnet Conference in the world, the International Magnet Technology Conference (MT28), held this year in Aix-en-Provence, there was an impressive seminar highlighting the important contributions made by women in this highly technical area of fusion that is crucial to its success. The main challenge for fusion is to contain the plasma, which is created by heating hydrogen isotopes to hundreds of millions of degrees. Stars do it with gravity, but on Earth, the most common method is to use powerful magnetic fields to keep the plasma confined.
The contributions already being made by leading women in the field of Magnets were highlighted during a dedicated Women in Fusion session at the MT-28 conference on Tuesday morning. The event welcomed around 60 participants — researchers, engineers, physicists, and many other talented individuals, each with their unique expertise and a shared passion for harnessing the power of fusion.
During the session, six female magnet experts discussed the following topics:
Scientific advisor to the Programme Manager of the EUROfusion Consortium, Steering Committee Chair at the Women in Fusion.
Topic: Fusion and magnets in fusion.
Project leader, ENEA
Topic: Development of HTS conductors for EU-DEMO central solenoid.
Section leader, ITER Organization
Topic: ITER magnet assembly experience and lessons learned for commissioning.
Principal researcher, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy
Topic: Construction of superconducting conductor experiment facility for fusion reactor magnet.
Section leader, Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Science
Topic: The recent progress of the CFETR of the central solenoid model (CSMC) program.
Group leader, ASDEX Upgrade maintenance and upgrade, Max Planck Institute für Plasmaphysik – Germany
Topic: Status of the project: new upper divertor with coils in ASDEX upgrade.
“Women in Fusion” Networking Lunch
The session was followed by a Women in Fusion lunch, introduced and facilitated by Shira Tabachnikoff, the Vice Chair of WiF. During the networking event, the morning’s panellists had the opportunity to respond to diverse questions about their personal challenges in a field dominated by men. They gave advice regarding finding work-life balance with hobbies and setting boundaries, but also for organizations to ensure there are nurseries and daycare facilities for women with children. In addition, approaching work not only rationally, but with a view on personalities and the human side of work was also discussed.
Women in Fusion also participated in the special MT-28 acoustic concert in the evening. Together with two co-performers and their teacher, Jiang Nan (a musician and a singer), Min Liao, a member of the “Women in Fusion” Steering committee, opened the concert with the “ÉLÈVES DE L’IIMM EN GU ZHENG” composition. The performance was met with loud applause.
It is yet another reminder that female fusioneers are not only powerful and influential scientists and engineers but also talented and versatile personalities.
The MT-28 International Conference on Magnet Technology took part in Aix-en-Provence, France on 10-15 September. The conference included special sessions, short courses as well as cultural and side events. Over 600 posters have been presented.
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