The first in-person meeting of the Women in Fusion Steering Committee took place at ITER in Cadarache, France, on 25 May 2022, following more than a year of virtual meetings during the group’s initial planning phase. During the one-day meeting, committee members discussed the creation and public launch of the WiF website, development of research in gender equity for fusion, and key activities supporting the organization’s near-term objectives.

From l to r (sitting): Shira Tabachnikoff, Sehila Gonzalez de Vincente, Kalle Heinola
The meeting culminated with a vote on the steering committee membership and roles for the initial term:
- Chair, Sehila Maria GONZALEZ DE VICENTE, PhD (IAEA)
- Vice Chair, Shira TABACHNIKOFF (ITER)
- Treasurer, Gabriella SAIBENE (Fusion4Energy)
- Scientific Secretary, Kalle HEINOLA (IAEA)
- Member, Zabrina JOHAL (General Atomics)
- Member, Kinga GAL (EUROfusion)
- Member: Nitendra SINGH, PhD (ITER, IYNS)
- Member: Min LIAO (ITER)